- A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Combined Edition by Arthur Edward Waite, P.M., P.Z. [1970]
- Chinese Alchemy: The Taoist Quest for Immortality by J.C. Cooper [1990]
- Cultivation of Personal Magnetism in Seven Progressive Steps by Edmund Shaftesbury [1926]
- Descriptive Sketches of the Spiritual World by Rudolf Steiner | Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co [1928]
- Monas Hieroglyphica by John Dee | Published by Ouroboros Press [2021]
- Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike [1949]
- Notes on The Bhagavad-Gita by William Q. Judge and Robert Crosbie | The Theosophy Company [1929]
- Paracelsus: Magic into Science by Henry M. Pachter [1951]
- Prayer by Rudolf Steiner | Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co [1939]
- Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star Published by General Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star [1976]
- Sacred Writings Volume I: Confucian, Hebrew, Christian | Harvard’s Classics Registered Deluxe Edition [1969]
- Schopenhauer Selections Edited by Dewitt H. Parker [1928]
- Springs of Indian Wisdom by Sri Aurobindo | Spiral [1965]
- Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu | Translated by D.C. Lau [1994]
- The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus by Michael R. Best and Frank H. Brightman | Oxford University Press [1974]
- The I Ching by Richard Wilhelm and Cary F. Baynes [1973]
- The Kybalion by The Three Initiates (Centenary Edition) | A Tarcher Perigee Book [2018]
- The Message of Aquaria by F. Homer Curtiss, B.S, M.D. and Harriette Augusta Curtiss | Curtiss Philosophic Book Co. [1938]
- The Mysteries by Goethe – By Rudolf Steiner | Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co [1946]
- The Pattern Life by F. Homer Curtiss, M.D. | Curtiss Philosophic Book Co. [1943]
- The Philosophy of War by Dr. and Mrs. F. Homer Curtiss | Curtiss Philosophic Book Co. [1939]
- The Prophesies of Nostradamus by Avenel Books [1988]
- The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel [1956]
- The Rosicrucians Their Rites and Mysteries by Hargrave Jennings [1907]
- The Spherical Basis of Astrology being a Comprehensive Table of Houses for Latitudes 22 to 60 by Joseph G. Dalton [1911]
- The Study of The Kabalah by William Wynn Westcott | Allied Publications [Unknown]
- The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine Translated by Ilza Veith| The Classics of Medicine Library | Gryphon Edition [1988]
- Twelve World Teachers by Manly P. Hall [1965]
- Wisdom of the Ancients by T. Lobsang Rampa [1977]