- A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics by John V. Shoemaker | Students’ Edition [1900]
- Ancient Egyptian Medicine by John F. Nunn [1996]
- Control of Body and Mind by Frances Gulick Jewett | Ginn and Company [1908]
- Pocket Guide to Ayurvedic Healing by Candis Cantin Packard [1996]
- The Aphorisms of Hippocrates Translated by Thomas Coar| The Classics of Medicine Library [1982]
- The Canon of Medicine of Avicenna Translated by O. Cameron Gruner, M.D. | The Classics of Medicine Library [1984]
- The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD [2003]
- The Prevention How-to Dictionary of Healing Remedies and Techniques by the Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books [1994]
- The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine Translated by Ilza Veith| The Classics of Medicine Library | Gryphon Edition [1988]
- Tibetan Medicine by the Ven. Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang [1973]