- A Dictionary of Symbols by J.E. Cirlot | Philosophical Library [1971]
- Alchemy Reference Guide: A Tool for Exploring the Secret Art by Dennis William Hauck [2011]
- Ancient Pagan Symbols by Elisabeth Goldsmith | The Knickerbocker Press [1929]
- Chemistry in its Applications to Agriculture and Physiology by Justus Liebig, M.D, PhD., F.R.S, M.R.I.A. [1847]
- Chinese Alchemy: The Taoist Quest for Immortality by J.C. Cooper [1990]
- Monas Hieroglyphica by John Dee | Published by Ouroboros Press [2021]
- Paracelsus: Magic into Science by Henry M. Pachter [1951]
- Pocket Guide to Ayurvedic Healing by Candis Cantin Packard [1996]
- The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus by Michael R. Best and Frank H. Brightman | Oxford University Press [1974]
- The Canon of Medicine of Avicenna Translated by O. Cameron Gruner, M.D. | The Classics of Medicine Library [1984]
- The Kybalion by The Three Initiates (Centenary Edition) | A Tarcher Perigee Book [2018]
- The Turba Philosophorum Translated by Arthur Edward Waite | Printed by Samuel Weiser [1973]
- The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine Translated by Ilza Veith| The Classics of Medicine Library | Gryphon Edition [1988]
- Through Alchemy to Chemistry by John Read, F.R.S. [1961]
- Tibetan Medicine by the Ven. Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang [1973]
- Treatise on The Great Art by Dom Antoine-Joseph Pernety | Printed by Samuel Weiser [1973]