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Aetherius's Agent Architecture

1 min read

Process StepDescription
User InputThe interaction is initiated by the user sending a request to Aetherius.
Input ExpansionExpands user input with conversation history for enhanced meaning in database searches.
Knowledge Domain ExtractionSelects a Knowledge Domain from available options for explicit memory search.
Semantic Term SeparationSeparates user input into synonymous terms to capture nuanced meanings.
First Memory DB SearchSearches Aetherius’s memories to generate an inner monologue.
Inner Monologue GenerationGenerates an inner monologue reflecting past experiences, consolidating database search info, and extending user input meaning.
Second Memory DB SearchSearches Aetherius’s memories again to formulate its intuition.
Intuition GenerationCreates an action plan based on memories and the inner monologue.
Implicit Memory GenerationGenerates short-term implicit memories from its internal processes.
Master Tasklist CreationGenerates a list of asynchronous tasks using available Sub-Agent categories.
Sub-Agent SelectionChooses a sub-agent from a category to complete the task.
Final Response GenerationUtilizes the inner monologue, conversation history, and completed tasks to respond to the user.
Explicit Memory GenerationProduces explicit short-term memories based on the inner monologue and final response.
Episodic Memory GenerationGenerates a timestamped summary of the current interaction for episodic memory storage.
Flashbulb Memory GenerationForms meaningful memories/goals using long-term and episodic memories periodically.
Short-Term Memory ConsolidationConsolidates short-term memories and assigns them knowledge domains before uploading as long-term memories.
Long-Term Memory AssociationManages database size by condensing long-term memories and clustering related topics.


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Software: [Aetherius]

License: [General Public License]

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